Yuki Itaya (United Kingdom) / Dr Mukaino M-Test
DAOM. Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture 2016, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (Portland, OR)
Dissertation: “The M–Test – and Its Potential as a Tool for Global Health”
M.Ed. Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbal Medicine 2006, Emperor’s college of Traditional Oriental Medicine (Santa Monica, CA)
►NUNM: Global health department. How moxa works and how to apply in Tanzania?
► Embassy of Ethiopia in Japan, How to prevent and help people who has TB/HIV via
simple Moxibustion protocol
► PechaKucha Night, Kyoto Japan. How simple Traditional Medicine may help us in
Pandemic time.
► Kiiko Matsumoto Seminar in Osaka, Japan. 2017-2019, Invited Lecturer
► How to treat Psoriasis using Moxibustion.
► Mukaino Method Foundation course: 2008 to present. Annual lecture. Taught more than
2000 students in USA, Canada, UK, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Portigal,
Japan, Taiwan and Germany
► WHO/ International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI), Cologne, Germany.
Presenter and spokes person as Japan member.
► Moxibustion techniques teaching, Taught more than 800 students in the USA, UK, Spain,
Japan, Italy, Portugal, France, Switzerland
Friday 14th October 2022 to Sunday 16th October 2022 (3 days)
Venue : from 9h to 12h30 and 14h to 18h except Sunday 17h
Programme :
1st day
Acupuncture Treatment Based on Assessment of Movement~ Scientific Basis of the M-Test
The Practice and Application of the M-Test and Demonstration
Treatment strategies of the M- Test method, Five phases and Movement,The most demonstrative 24 points and Meridians
2nd day / Applications of the Meridian Test
Process of treatment & demonstration
Group practice of assessment & treatment
Treating influence of scars with surgeries and lesions, M-Test Stretching as a self-medication
Case study/Q&A
Five phases point combinations
3rd day
Japanese Moxibustion applied to M-Test
Theory and hands-on practice.